vineri, 8 iunie 2007

Un om de curaj

Un om de curaj Un om de curaj – Dr. IOAN CUCU In revista Flacara nr 19(1248) din 10 mai 1979, aparea un interviu cu doctorul Ioan Cucu, medic primar psihiatru, doctor in stiinte medicale, asistent la catedra de paihiatrie a Institutului de Medicina si Farmacie (cum se numea atunci, dupa moda sovietica, UMF Carol Davila) si care publicase de curand si o carte in doua volume, “Psihiatria sociala” in care facea niste afirmatii deosebit de critice, care au starnit o valva imensa in lumea psihiatrica si nu numai, a timpului. Titlul interviului era “Psihiatria nu trebuie sa fie o cenusareasa, iar aceasta nu-i priveste numai pe psihiatri, ci pe noi toti”. In interviu, doctorul Cucu, pe care il cunosteam si il stimam pentru ca imi fusese asistent, facea o critica severa a psihiatriei bucurestene, critica pe care o dezvolta in carte, pe mai multe pagini. Iata cateva din ideile importante. Dupa ce mentiona date despre situatia psihiatriei din tarile dezvoltate, in care paturile afectate specialitatii (pe langa o dezvoltare deosebita a formelor de asistenta ambulatorie) depaseau ca numar pe cele afectate tuturor celorlalte specialitati, dupa ce spunea ce ar trebui sa fie un psihiatru in epoca moderna in care acesta a luat locul duhovnicului, dupa ce mentiona meritele deosebite ale Scolii Profesorului Pamfil si, mutatis mutandis, ale Scolii Profesorului Branzei in depasirea dogmatismului, doctorul Cucu abordeaza tema principala si anume critica “scolii de la Bucuresti”, ramasa prizoniera unei psihiatrii de secol XIX, cu modelul fizic de boala, materialist-mecanicist, care neglijeaza factorii sociali si psihologici prinsi in etiologia tulburarilor psihice, s.a.m.d. In continuare, se refera la subaprecierea psihiatriei si a rolului ei in societaea moderna. Absolvent si al Facultatii de Psihologie, observa lipsa acestei discipline din programa Facultatii de Medicina. Remarca apoi numarul mic de stationare de zi de psihiatrie, numar ramas din pacate pana astazi aproape neschimbat. In cartea sa, care a fost propusa pentru a fi retrasa din librarii si data la topit la presiunile facute de conducerea catedrei din Bucuresti, doctorul Cucu critica sistemul mafiotic de promovare, modalitatea de tip feudal a conducerii sectiilor de spital, care erau un fel de fief-uri atribuite pe viata oamenilor agreati de conducere (situatie existenta de altfel in tot sistemul sanitar comunist si care se perpetueaza si astazi) s.a.m.d. Reactia conducerii catedrei din Bucuresti si a spitalului (Gh. Marinescu pe atunci, acum “Al.Obregia”) afost de negare vehementa si de infierare publica de tip inchizitorial stalinist, in unanimitate, spre rusinea tuturor participantilor. Au fost convocati toti medicii din clinica, in amfiteatrul mare si au luat cuvantul sefii de sectii, directorul spitalului, seful de atunci al catedrei si conferentiarii. Autorul acestor randuri a asistat din sala, ca medic rezident, la aceasta punere la stalpul infamiei. Doctorul Cucu s-a aparat cu demnitate si curaj. Imi aduc aminte ca a comparat atitudinea conducerii catedrei si a camarilei acesteia(Este o tendinta, sechela a comunismului in mentalul colectiv, de refacere a piramidei puterii in psihiatrie, cu toate consecintele nenorocite de stopare a progresului, traite de noi in regimul trecut. Participa la competitie, ca o culme a ridicolului si un fel de Zaroni feminin, pe cat de modesta intelectual, pe atat de ambitioasa si incantata de sine, incurajata interesat de cinismul ironic al unui fel de Stapan al Inelelor, maremanipulator al invatamantului medical universitar bucurestean actual.) care isi etala “maretele realizari”, cu aceea a unui om sarac si care isi zornaia tot timpul punga cu cei cativa banuti, ca sa-si creeze impresia ca nu este chiar asa de sarac. Doctorul Cucu nu a fost arestat sau condamnat (era totusi o perioada poststalinista), a ramas in catedra si la locul lui de munca, marginalizat insa si a iesit la pensie tot asistent. Situatia psihiatriei a ramas din pacate aproape neschimbata, in ciuda eforturilor doctorului Cucu si a multor altor psihiatri de mare valoare. Dupa Revolutie, dr. Cucu a cuplat imediat la actiunea APLR, dar si-a dat seama destul de repede ca cei 50 de ani de antiselectie operata de comunism, au lasat sechele care nu pot fi inlaturate intr-o perioada atat de scurta. Dr. Marian Popa, medic primar psihiatru, doctor in stiinte medicale, la spitalul “Al .Obregia” din Bucuresti. A man of courage. A man of courage Dr. IOAN CUCU. In review Flacara nr 19( 1248) from 10 the maul 1979, appear an interview with the doctor Ioan Cucu, protogene doctor psychiatrist, doctor in medical sciences, assistant to the desk of paihiatrie Institutului of Medicina and Farmacie( how numea therefore, after soviet fashion, UMF Carol Davila) and which publicase of soon and a book an in doua a volumes," social Psihiatria" which in some facea assertions extremely criticize, carry stired an immense sensation in the psychiatric world from except, the time. The title interview age" Psihiatria isn't due to isn't cenusareasa, and this he don't looks merely on psychiatrists, but on new". In interview, the doctor Cucu, which il cunosteam also esteem it wherethrough imi fusese assistant, facea castigation of the a psychiatry he criticizes which develop it an in a book, on the many maul pages. Here several of the important ideation. After mention yes about the situation of the psychiatry from the countries developed, which in the affected beds speciality( besides a different development of the forms of ambulatory assistance) depaseau as number on one affected tuturor celorlalte specialties, after spunea what burn be due to is a psychiatrist an in a modern age which this pinch-hited for the confessor, after mention the different merits ale Scolii Profesorului Pamfil and, mutatis mutandis, ale Scolii Profesorului Branzei in depasirea of the pragmatism, the doctor Cucu tackles main theme scilicet criticizes" school from Bucuresti", remained of a prizoniera the psychiatrists of centuries XIX, with the physical model of the complaint, materialist, carry neglects the social factors the psychological si grasped the in the aetiology disturbances psyches, s. M. D. In afterwards, is adverted to the disesteem of the psychiatry and her role of the in societaea modern. Graduate and of Facultatii of Psihologie, notices this absence discipline from program Facultatii of Medicina. Remarks then the stationary paucity of of after day, remanent number from sins the feather today near unchanged. In his which were suggested were retired from book-sellers and gived to molten to the pressures doed of the management of the desk from Bucuresti, the doctor critical Cucu the system mafiotic of promotion, the method of feudal drove the sections of hospitals, carry erau a kinds of ascribable fiefs on the life peoples agreati of management( existing situation of else in all the communist sanitation the which si is perpetuated and today) s. M. D. The reaction of the management of the desk from Bucuresti and the hospital( Gh. Marinescu about that time, now" Al. Were") of vehement denial the si of public stigmatization of guy inchizitorial stalinist, in in one voice, toward the disgrace tuturor participants. Were convene all the doctors from clinic, in the big amphitheatre the si took the floor the chiefs of sections, director of the hospital, the then chief of desk and the lecturers. These author assisted rows from the hall, as doctor resident, hereto pillory. The doctor Cucu the apparatus loftily and courage. Bethink oneself me compared the attitude of the management of the desk and camarilei this. He is a tendency, sechela the communism of the in mentalul the community, of remake the pyramid can in psychiatry, with all the miserable consequences of stop the progress, traite of we in the past diet. Assists in competition, as a ridiculous peak of the si a kind of female Zaroni, on at all intellectual, on so ambitious the delighted self si incurajata asked the ironic cynicism of of a kind of Stapan of Inelelor, big manipulator of the medical academic education current bucurestean.) Carry isi display" maretele realizations", with aceea of a poor man the which si isi zornaia all through sac with one several penies, in order to I create the impression as the just like that of poor. The doctor Cucu arrested or convict( age yet a period abided at), the desk and to his place of labor, marginalizat only that retired all assistant. The situation remained from sins near unchanged, in maugre the efforts of the doctor Cucu and multor altor the psychiatrists of big value. After Revolutie, dr. Coupled immediately to the act APLR, but and he realized nice and quick as the one 50 of years of selecţie operata of communisms, left sechele wagons be inlaturate in a period so short. Dr. Marian Popa, protogene doctor psychiatrist, doctor in medical sciences, to the hospital" Al. Obregia" from Bucuresti.

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